About Us

BlackGirlMagicBox was founded with one mission in mind:

to inspire black women to live happier more intentional lives through mindfulness practices and & thoughtful self-care products! Each box is curated by holistic health experts and includes thoughtful affirmations and self-care advice in addition to full-sized wellness items for the mind, body and soul! We believe self care = self love  ♥ 

BlackGirlMagicBox was founded by a Black holistic Health coach with a special needs child. She is passionate about connecting with and healing black women is through mindfulness and self-care. Most products are made by black women-owned businesses. Your purchase gives these women the ability to remain independent and creates more retail opportunities in our communities. How exciting is that?! Here at BlackGirlMagicBox, we believe that consistent and targeted self-care and self-love are needed to help black womwn live their best lives. We want to keep self-care and black-owned products accessible to everyone.

Each thoughtfully curated box includes an Affirmation card and newsletter + 6-8 full-sized wellness products to promote a more intentional life. We won't guarantee it will make you happy, but it will encourage you to make self-care a priority. Start your self-care journey now! We want to send you monthly curated reminders to keep your self care strong!